Reconsideration Policy

Adopted 11/9/23

The Chilton Clanton Library supports the principles of intellectual freedom inherent in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, or final judgments or rulings by a court of competent jurisdiction. However, patrons must have a Chilton Clanton Public Library card to request materials to be withdrawn or reconsidered and should be afforded every opportunity to express their concerns. If possible, the patrons should be referred immediately to the Library Director or in their absence the Library Assistant.

If a complaint is made, the following procedures shall be followed:

1. The Library Director or library assistant should have a discussion with the patron about the material in question informing the complainant of the selection policies and the procedures for questioning materials. In the absence of the Library Director the Library Assistant will take the patrons’ complaint to the Library Director who will have 36 hours to contact the patron.

2. If the patron wishes to pursue the complaint further, the complainant must submit a formal complaint form to the Director of Library Services. If the patron does not possess a Chilton Clanton Public Library card or does not read the materials in question the complaint will not be considered. Only [1] one household per year may submit a formal complaint for up to [3] three material titles. If the title in question has been reviewed it cannot be reviewed again for [5] five years.

 3. The patron will be provided with a written copy of the collection development policy, First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights, Chilton Clanton Public Library Mission Statement, and a copy of the reconsideration form by the Library Director.

4. Keep challenged materials on the shelves during the reconsideration process.

5. Upon receipt of the completed complaint form, the Library Director will respond to the complainant within [36] thirty-six hours to inform them of the process.

6. The Library Director will then request a review of the challenged material by a Review Committee within [30] thirty business days.

7. The Review Committee will meet once all members have been able to review the material in its entirety.

8. The Director informs the complainant, and the Board of Trustees of the decision made by the Review Committee within [36] thirty-six hours of the decision.

9. The complainant may make a written appeal to the Board of Trustees at least [14] fourteen days in advance of a scheduled Board meeting. (100 1st Ave Clanton, AL 35045)

10. The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.