

meeting room policy

The meeting room is primarily used for library programs; however, the room may be reserved for use by educational, civic, cultural, and governmental groups when no admission charge is made. Exceptions may be made for meetings sponsored by the library, an approved nonprofit, educational group, or institution for short term classes, provided that meetings are freely open to the general public.

Profit-making organizations and commercial groups will be charged $30.00 for all or any part of any day, per day, for each meeting held in the conference room.

Employee groups of commercial firms will be interpreted as educational groups provided management is not using the meeting as a sales or promotional type event.

Profit making organizations sponsoring an educational program of a nonprofit nature will be permitted to use the meeting room, provided the meetings are open freely to the general public.

Denominational groups, organizations, or associations affiliated with more than one church will be allowed use of the meeting room when no religious services are being conducted; no group shall be denied access based on the content of their meetings or religious views expressed therein. The meeting room is not intended to be to organize or build membership for one church, congregation, or equivalent thereof.

The meeting room shall not be used for regular meetings of any one organization.  Reservations shall not be scheduled more than two months in advance unless the event is a meeting of a governmental agency or legal entity and must be scheduled in advance due to open enrollment.

All groups may be required to provide written documents of the above (which may include charter, bylaws, articles of incorporation, or other such documentation as may be requested) to the library administration 72 hours prior to the use of the meeting room.

The library will not provide personnel to assist in handling exhibits and other materials needed by groups using the meeting room. Meetings should be confined to the conference room proper and should not inhibit ingress or egress in the adjacent hallway.

If a group is meeting after library hours on evenings and weekends, it is the groups’ responsibility to pick up the keys for the facility before the library closes. Reservations are made at the public library. A meeting room reservation form must be completed fully and signed to constitute a reservation--a telephone call to the library does not constitute a valid reservation.

Groups meeting when the library is closed on weekends or evenings must keep both the front entrance and side (handicap) entrance unlocked while meeting and must ensure that those entrances are securely locked when they leave. The individual who registers for the room on behalf of the group is responsible for returning the furniture and materials to their proper place. Materials or furnishing may not be removed from the room. Groups will be responsible for leaving the room clean and orderly after the meeting; this includes, but is not limited to, emptying trash cans on the premises, sweeping up spills and neatly stacking chairs in the closet. Permission to use the meeting room may be withheld from groups causing damage or disturbance, or any other failure to comply with the rules and regulations.