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Skip the line and apply online! Library cards applications are now available online for your convenience.

To start your library card application please fill out the form on this page. You will be contacted by a library staff member to verify your information and when your library card is ready for pickup at the Chilton Clanton Public Library 100 First Ave. Clanton, AL 35045. Please read the library card policy before submitting your application. Library cards for ages 15 and under must be applied for in person by the minors’ parent or guardian. If you have any questions, contact us at 205-755-1768 or include a message in the box provided when submitting your library card application.

Please allow 48-72 hours for a staff member to contact you about your library card application. Thank you.

Library Card policy (Ages 18 & older)

Policy revised on 8/15/24

A Chilton/Clanton Public Library card can be issued to anyone living in or owning property within Chilton County. Library cards are good for all the libraries in Chilton County, including Clanton, Jemison, and Maplesville.

To apply for a library card, show current photo ID to the staff at the circulation desk and complete a brief application. There is a charge of $3.00 for each new card, and $3.00 for each replacement card. Replacement cards are $3.00 including juvenile cards.

Patrons under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign for permission to receive a card and to grant internet access.  All patrons under 16 years of age will have Free Library cards, this is available so that they can have access to E-Books during COVID-19.  We partnered with the Board of Education 2020 during the Pandemic.  Child must be present for card to be used. Movies can be checked out on juvenile cards. Adult fiction and adult non-fiction books cannot be checked out on juvenile cards without permission from a parent or guardian via a juvenile library card consent form for children ages 5-17. There are no late fines for books checked out on juvenile cards. Patrons will still be responsible for replacing or paying for lost items.

Senior citizens (age 55 and older) will not be charged late fees for any items checked out, books, or movies. They will still be responsible for replacing or paying for lost items.

Persons living outside of Chilton County can receive a Chilton County Library card for a $5.00 fee.

Library cards are valid for four [4] years; after 4 years, return to the library to update your information. Circulation clerks should be notified of any change in address or permanent phone number during this time.

Cards are to be used for each circulation transaction. If the library card is not available, the valid photo ID associated with the card may be used to look up the account. One of these two cards must be present for checkouts to occur.

Cards issued by the Chilton/Clanton Public Library remain the property of the library and use of each card may be revoked or suspended by the library for failure to comply with the appropriate library rules, or for any other reasonable cause.

Books are checked out for a period of (2) two weeks and may be renewed (2) two times. To ensure fair access to the library's collection, patrons may only check out 25 (twenty-five) books or materials per card. Also, please limit your selection to no more than (six) books by the same author per card.

Fines for overdue books are $.15 per day, per book.

New book fines are $.25 per day per book.

Fines on movies and audiobooks are $1.00 per day per item.  

Only four [4] New books may be checked out per card.

Movies are checked out for one [1] week; new movies are checked out for three [3] days. Only six [6] of the seven [7] day movies (DVD or Blu-Ray) may be checked out per card; only two [2] new movies may be checked out per card. New movies cannot be renewed. Movies cannot be borrowed by cardholders under the age of eighteen(18).

HOTSPOTS are checked out for two [2] weeks.  There is no charge for this service. There are no Fines on the Hotspots through APLS Grant monies. Fines will accrue on Hotspots that are paid for by the library $1.00 per day. All items must be returned with the mobile hotspots including, a charging block, charging cord, instruction manual, and plastic box. Damage to plastic boxes will be $5.00. Patrons will be charged a $35.00 fee if Hotspot is not returned, this would cover one (1) month for our monthly fee for the library. Patrons will be put in Restriction for 30 days if the Hotspot is not returned within five (5) days of overdue time. Patrons will sign an agreement to provide a working phone number with voice mail set up, also they understand the fee and a thirty-day Restriction if Hotspot is not returned.  The Chilton/Clanton Public Library will enforce the City Ordinance 3-76 dated February 9, 1996, to be enforced to seize library property.

Checked-out items may be renewed over the phone during business hours, or online using the library card number and patron PIN (PIN is the birthdate of the cardholder in six-digit format with no slashes or dashes; ex., a patron whose birthday is July 4, 1987, will have a PIN of 070487). Items that are already overdue will not be renewed. Items that have been reserved by another patron will not be renewed.

To use the public access computers, patrons need their library card or their valid photo ID. Only the person assigned the card can use it for the computers. Each patron has 90 minutes of computer use per day.

All library card privileges will be suspended once fines reach $5.00.