Library Materials Weeding Policy

Updated 8/15/24

Collection development is an all-encompassing and ongoing process. With this understanding, staff involved in collection development will continuously and vigorously evaluate existing collections and remove titles when deemed appropriate due to age, lack of use, condition, or for space considerations. Weeding titles is part of this library’s ongoing collection development policy, in the interest of continuously providing an accurate and updated collection.  

Both print and non-print materials should be reviewed and evaluated at regular intervals to determine if they are to remain in the current collection. This final step in the selection process ensures the library collection will contain materials that are factual and instructionally effective; useless materials are to be discarded. The librarian should consider space, budget, curriculum, and user needs when deciding how much and how often to weed. The librarian will decide how to best dispose of discarded materials.

The process of weeding obsolete materials in the collection is overseen by the Library Director.

Suggested Criteria for Weeding

Record of use- the item has not circulated for 5 years.

Currency- the subject matter is out of date, factually inaccurate, or no longer relevant to current times; illustrations are outmoded or perpetuate gender, racial, or cultural stereotypes.

Technical Quality- non-print materials with poor visuals, faded or off-color visuals, and faulty or inferior sound reproductions.

Dispensability- duplicate copies or duplicates no longer needed in the collection.

Physical Condition- the item is torn, soiled, or worn; pages or parts are missing.

Poor Purchases- materials purchased that were not quality items and/or items not appropriate.

Reliability- non-fiction item which contains information inconsistent with other sources.

Short-lived Topics- the item is faddish and no longer of interest.

Subject Areas- the information is not timely.

Dewey Decimal Balance- the item is unneeded to balance the collection.

Some information should not be discarded even though it meets one or more of the criteria listed.

An item should NOT be discarded if:

It is a work of historical significance in the field of literature.

It has unusual illustrations, or the illustrations are by a well-known artist.

It is a work by a local author or illustrator.

It describes local history or personalities.

It is a memorial gift.

Withdrawn books are sold in library book sales. The proceeds from such sales are used for the benefit of the library.


Libraries do not always replace lost, damaged, or worn-out materials without considering the current demand for the subject or title. Several factors are considered, including duplicate copies, existing coverage in the field with remaining materials, copies elsewhere in the library system, availability of more current and authoritative materials, and the cost of materials. Every effort is made to replace materials considered essential.

Request for library purchases

A patron can request that the library purchase a specific item not currently included in its collection. These requests will be evaluated using the same criteria as all other purchase materials.