General Rules of Conduct
The Chilton/Clanton Public Library is supported by the taxes of the people of the city of Clanton and of Chilton County, who expect each of our facilities to be clean, comfortable, and safe places for selecting materials, reading, researching, studying, writing, and attending Library or community-sponsored programs and meetings. To this end, the Library is responsible for establishing rules of conduct to protect the rights and safety of Library patrons, volunteers, and staff, and for preserving and protecting the Library's materials, equipment, facilities, and grounds. In addition, the Library has a strong commitment to intellectual freedom and to freedom of access to information.
Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff and/or law enforcement officers will intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with the Library's established rules, regulations, and policies could result in removal from the premises and expulsion from the Library for a period of one day to one year, or in arrest or prosecution. Violations could also result in the restriction and/or termination of Library privileges, including the use of Library computers and other equipment.
For the comfort and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of Library property, the following actions are examples of conduct not allowed on Library property:
• Engaging in any activity in violation of Federal, State, local or other applicable law, or Library policy.
• Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs, and selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs.
• Verbally or physically threatening or harassing other patrons, volunteers, or staff, including stalking, staring, lurking, offensive touching, and obscene acts such as sex acts and indecent exposure.
• Soliciting or conducting surveys not authorized by the Library.
• Stealing, damaging, altering, or inappropriate use of Library property in Library facilities or on Library grounds, including computer hardware and software, printers, or other equipment or furnishings.
• Trespassing in posted nonpublic areas, being in the Library without permission of an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours, or camping or loitering on Library grounds, including before or after library operating hours.
• Fighting or challenging to fight, running, pushing, shoving, horseplay or throwing things.
• Creating disruptive noises such as loud talking, screaming, or banging on computer keyboards.
• Gambling and group activities which are disruptive to the Library environment.
• Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others. Using cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in a manner that disturbs others.
• Using restrooms for bathing or shampooing, doing laundry, or changing clothes.
• Littering.
• Smoking, chewing, vaping and other tobacco use are not allowed on Library facilities, inside or outside.
• Entering the Library without shoes and/or a shirt, with that materially disrupts others from using library facilities, collections, or services.
• Bringing in articles that are too large to fit under one Library chair.
• Using wheeled devices in Library property or on Library grounds, except in designated areas, including skateboarding, roller-skating, bicycling, scooters, and shopping carts (except for wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers).
• Moving Library furniture from where it is placed by Library staff.
• Lying down or sleeping in the restrooms or on any floor, couch, table, or seat in the Library, and by blocking aisles, exits, or entrances by sitting or lying down in them.
• Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children (see Unattended Children Policy).
• Bringing pets or animals, other than service animals necessary for disabilities, into the Library, except as authorized by the Library Director.
• There will be no food or drink for patrons. allowed in the library.
• Otherwise using library facilities, grounds, or property, including equipment and materials for purposes other than their obvious purposes.
• Profanity will not be tolerated in the library, also no clothing with profanity or obscene sayings allowed in the library.
The Public Library Board formally delegates to Library management and local law enforcement the authority to enforce the Rules of Conduct, including the withdrawal of permission to remain on Library premises and the barring of certain persons from trespassing on library grounds or facilities. Patrons shall have the right to submit a written request for an administrative review of an exclusion order which is for a period greater than seven days. Patrons shall include in the request any written documentation they seek to have considered in the review process. The exclusion order shall remain in effect pending administrative reviews or until it expires, whichever comes first.
If a patron timely requests an administrative review, the Library Director shall review the barring and provide the patron with a decision in writing. If the Library Director withdrew permission to remain on Library premises or barred a person from Library property, the request will be forwarded by the Library Director to the Public Library Board for review of the Library Director’s decision. The Chairman of the Library Board, or another Board member acting as the Chairman’s designee, shall review the exclusion order, considering only the written record and the patron's written administrative review request, and shall issue a final decision. If a patron is unhappy with that decision, the patron may then request an administrative review of the matter at the next scheduled regular session of the Board. As such a review would involve discussion of the good name and character of individual/s, such a review would be held in an Executive Session of the Board.
The Library Director is authorized to develop procedures for the implementation of this policy including appropriate timelines for filing requests for administrative and Library Board reviews. Generally, such requests should be filed within 3 business days.
Related Policy Statements
Library or security employees, at their discretion, may search bags, briefcases, purses or any other similar item brought into the library by visitors, either on the visitor’s entry to or exit from the library.