Display & Reader’s Advisory Policy

Adopted 8/15/24

Materials and Resources

The Chilton Clanton Public Library will offer displays of library materials and/or resources to a range of ages, interests, and informational needs of the community. Consideration will be given to the age and intended audience of the display. For example, displays of children’s books in the children’s section; and displays of books for adults in the adult section. Displays will be determined based on the suitability of the subject and style for the intended audience.

Displays of materials and resources in the library are intended to illustrate the width and breadth of available content in the library. Acceptance of a display topic or materials within the display by the library does not constitute an endorsement by Chilton Clanton Public Library of the content of the display or the views expressed in the materials on display. The library will not display materials that violate applicable laws.

The Library Director holds the final approval for the display of library materials and/or resources, but librarians choose display topics for the area of the collection they are responsible for. Additionally, employees throughout the library share the day-to-day responsibilities of keeping displays filled. Library staff uses the following criteria in making decisions about display topics, materials, and accompanying resources:

·         New materials will be displayed in appropriate departments for the material (children’s materials in the children’s section, DVDs with DVDs, etc.)

·         Community needs and interest or relation to current events

·         Availability of display space

·         Holidays, celebrations, and nationally recognized days/months or recognition

·         Historical, cultural, or educational signific

·         Connection to other community, resources, and programs

·         Relation to library collections, resources, and programs

·         The Chilton Clanton Public Library may partner with other community agencies, organizations, educational institutions, or individuals to develop and present co-sponsored displays

Statements of Concern

Should a Chilton Clanton Public Library patron take issue with a display or an item within the display, they may complete and submit a “Request for Reconsideration” form.

Bulletin Board & Digital Display

Chilton Clanton Public Library's bulletin board at the main entrance is for promoting library events, city business, and some community events. The library accepts brochures, handouts, etc. for display on the information stand, including garage sales, items for sale, and services like house cleaning, piano lessons, tutoring, etc. Political flyers are allowed, but the library does not endorse any candidate, cause, or political party. The library director approves all display materials and can remove them as needed. The digital display in the library is situated at the front entrance and is used to promote library-hosted events. The public is not allowed to advertise on the library’s digital display; however, the bulletin board at the front entrance can be used for this purpose. If a patron of the Chilton Clanton Public Library has concerns about a display or an item within the display, they can complete and submit a "Request for Reconsideration" form.

Reader’s Advisory

Reader’s Advisory is when library staff help patrons find materials they're interested in through displays, book lists, or conversations. All staff share the responsibility for this service under the guidance of the Library Director.

When helping a library visitor with suggestions for what to read, the staff member will ask many questions to figure out a good recommendation.

Consideration will be given but not limited to:

·         Patron’s age

·         Reading level

·         Stated interests and or topics requested by patron

·         Type of material

·         Stated limitations (such as only nonfiction, science fiction, large print, true crime, etc.)

When providing recommendations, the library staff will offer options that align with the patron’s requests. However, as the staff cannot possibly read every book in the library or fully understand every aspect of a patron’s preferences, the ultimate decision on which materials to check out lies with the patron themselves or with their parent/guardian if they are a minor. It's important to note that the items provided through reader’s advisory should not be considered as an endorsement by the Chilton Clanton Public Library or its staff of the content or views expressed in those items.