Internet Access & Computer Use Policies
Internet Access Policies
· Users of the Chilton/Clanton Public Library computer stations must adhere to the below-stated guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of the right to use public access computers.
· Children under sixteen [16] should only access the Internet with the permission and supervision of their parents/legal guardians. This will be verified by a signed release from the parent/guardian and will be kept on file. The Library assumes no responsibility for the use of the Internet by children or adults.
· Staff will assist in initially signing on to the Internet but will not instruct on Internet use unless in a class setting.
· Computer time is limited to 90 minutes per day for each patron. Each patron must log off each computer at the end of their usage time.
· It is prohibited to use the stations for illegal or criminal purposes or to seek access into unauthorized areas. Infringement of copyright is prohibited.
· The Internet may contain inappropriate material for viewing in a public setting; users are expected to be sensitive to that fact. If an image or text is displayed that is deemed inappropriate by library staff, library management reserves the right to end the Internet session.
· Internet users may sign on using their library card. If there is a waiting list, users may be placed on a waiting list by having their cards scanned at the circulation desk. Out-of-town users may be given a temporary number that will allow them to sign on.
Computer Use Policies
· Email will not be sent or received for patrons by any Library staff. This is to protect both the patron and the staff members.
· Computers cannot be used during the last fifteen [15] minutes of business hours.
· Personal discs, compact discs, or any variation of jump drives are not allowed in public access computers.
· Patrons cannot use the computers if their library fines exceed $5.00.
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Policies
The library has an "Internet Safety Policy" which addresses the following issues:
1. It is the policy of the library to restrict access by minors to inappropriate matters on the Internet and World Wide Web; specifically the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; Children under sixteen [16] should only access the Internet with the permission and supervision of their parents/legal guardians. This will be verified by a signed release from the parent/guardian and will be kept on file. The Library assumes no responsibility for the use of the Internet by children or adults.
2. Unauthorized access, including so-called "hacking" and other unlawful activities by minors online, is prohibited.
3. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors is prohibited
4. The library implements measures designed to restrict minors' access to materials harmful to minors.
The library has a "Technology Protection Measure" (e.g., filtering software) which blocks or filters Internet access to protect against access by adults and minors to obscene visual depictions, child pornography, or - with respect to the use of computers with Internet access by minors - harmful to minors. The filter may be disabled for adults engaged in bona fide research or other lawful purposes.