Book Reading & Signing

Wow, what an exciting opportunity! Read Across America is just around the corner and we have an amazing event planned for all of you book lovers. We are calling all supporters of the arts to join us for a special book reading and signing next week. The event will be held on Wed, March 5th @ 1PM in our conference room. This is a fantastic opportunity to unite as a community and celebrate the joy of reading. Whether you are a lifelong bookworm or just looking for a fun way to spend your afternoon, this event is for you.

Interested in getting your own library card? Click the button below and fill out our Library Card Form.

Branch Libraries

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Maplesville Public Library

 9400 Al Hwy 22, Maplesville, AL 36750

(334) 366-4212

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Learn More →

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Jemison Library

160 Main Street, Jemison, AL 35085

(205) 688-4491 Extension 7

Closed Monday

Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

(Closed 11:30 - 12:30 for lunch)

Learn More →




Join our book club at the library to find more book lovers like you! This club meets on the second Thursday of the month from 10:00 - 11:00 am in our conference room. Ages 18 years and older. We will discuss a new book each month with light refreshments. Check out our events page to find the book of the month. We look forward to seeing you there!